Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
sempena tarikh yg ckup cantek arini, iaitu 09hb 09 2009 kami ucpkn slmt berp0se untuk ari yg ke 19..
selepas selesai wat persembahan di teratak hijjaz mggu lps, kami behnti menerima sbrg undangan sehingga tbenye aidilfitri nt..
krn skunk kami sume sdg sbuk m'buat persediaan unyk m'hdpi exam prtghn sem..
sbg pljr, kami mst pndai mmbhgikn mse dgn sebaeknye..
tk0tla kecundang d tgh jalan..
yg dikend0ng x dpt, yg dbw berciciran..hahaha..
pe lg ye..
haa.. mgkin smggu sbl0m nk rye nie, kami akn blk kek g halaman msg2 la k0t..
dan mgkin cuti p0n xlme..
2 saje k0t t0k arini, ade mse kami akn gthu pe aktvti terbru wh0fast..
sempena tarikh yg ckup cantek arini, iaitu 09hb 09 2009 kami ucpkn slmt berp0se untuk ari yg ke 19..
selepas selesai wat persembahan di teratak hijjaz mggu lps, kami behnti menerima sbrg undangan sehingga tbenye aidilfitri nt..
krn skunk kami sume sdg sbuk m'buat persediaan unyk m'hdpi exam prtghn sem..
sbg pljr, kami mst pndai mmbhgikn mse dgn sebaeknye..
tk0tla kecundang d tgh jalan..
yg dikend0ng x dpt, yg dbw berciciran..hahaha..
pe lg ye..
haa.. mgkin smggu sbl0m nk rye nie, kami akn blk kek g halaman msg2 la k0t..
dan mgkin cuti p0n xlme..
2 saje k0t t0k arini, ade mse kami akn gthu pe aktvti terbru wh0fast..
I wonder........................
If Prophet Muhammad (SAW) visited you, just for a day or two
If he came unexpectedly, I wonder what you would do?
Oh I know you would give your nicest room,
to such an honored guest
And you would surely serve him, your very very best.
You would be your finest, cause you're glad to have him there
That serving him in you're home, would be a joy without compare.
But when you see him coming, would you meet him at the door
With your arms outstretched in welcome,
for your respected visitor.
Or would you run to change your clothes, before you let him in
And hide some magazines to put the Quran, where they had been?
Would you still watch those movies, on your TV set
Or would you switch it off, before he gets terribly upset.
Would you turn off the radio, and hope that he had not heard
And wish that you did not sing, that song word by word?
Would you hide your worldly things,
and instead take the Hadith books out
Could you let him walk right in, or would you rush about?
And I wonder...if the Prophet (SAW) spent, a day or two with you
Would you go on doing the things, that you always do?
Would you go right on and say the things, that you always say
Would life for you continue, as it does from day to day.
Would your family conversations, keep up their usual pace
And would you find it hard at each meal, to say a table grace?
Would you keep up each and every prayer,
without putting on a frown
And would you always jump up early, to say your Fajr at dawn?
Would you sing the songs you always sing,
and read the books you read
And let him know the things on which,
your mind and spirit feed?
Would you take the Prophet (SAW) with you,
everywhere you plan to go?
Or would you maybe change your plans, just for a day or so?
Would you be glad to have him meet, your very closest friends
Or, would you hope they stay away, until his visit ends?
Would you be glad to have him stay, forever on and on
Or would you sigh with great relief, when at last he has gone.
It might be interesting to know,
the things that you would really do
If Prophet Muhammad (SAW) came, to spend some time with you.
If he came unexpectedly, I wonder what you would do?
Oh I know you would give your nicest room,
to such an honored guest
And you would surely serve him, your very very best.
You would be your finest, cause you're glad to have him there
That serving him in you're home, would be a joy without compare.
But when you see him coming, would you meet him at the door
With your arms outstretched in welcome,
for your respected visitor.
Or would you run to change your clothes, before you let him in
And hide some magazines to put the Quran, where they had been?
Would you still watch those movies, on your TV set
Or would you switch it off, before he gets terribly upset.
Would you turn off the radio, and hope that he had not heard
And wish that you did not sing, that song word by word?
Would you hide your worldly things,
and instead take the Hadith books out
Could you let him walk right in, or would you rush about?
And I wonder...if the Prophet (SAW) spent, a day or two with you
Would you go on doing the things, that you always do?
Would you go right on and say the things, that you always say
Would life for you continue, as it does from day to day.
Would your family conversations, keep up their usual pace
And would you find it hard at each meal, to say a table grace?
Would you keep up each and every prayer,
without putting on a frown
And would you always jump up early, to say your Fajr at dawn?
Would you sing the songs you always sing,
and read the books you read
And let him know the things on which,
your mind and spirit feed?
Would you take the Prophet (SAW) with you,
everywhere you plan to go?
Or would you maybe change your plans, just for a day or so?
Would you be glad to have him meet, your very closest friends
Or, would you hope they stay away, until his visit ends?
Would you be glad to have him stay, forever on and on
Or would you sigh with great relief, when at last he has gone.
It might be interesting to know,
the things that you would really do
If Prophet Muhammad (SAW) came, to spend some time with you.
Monday, September 7, 2009
assalamualaikum sume..
maaf c0z da lme x update bl0g nie..
s0, nk cte sket la pe yg da jd spnjg 2 mggu kte p0se nie..
bg wh0fast, saat manis mse bulan p0se ne, kami dijemput m'buat persembahan di teratak hijjaz pada jumaat, 4hb lepas..
gmbr di bwh nie adlh antre gmbr kenangan kami di sane..
di kesempatan nie jugak, kami ingin mengucapkan ribuan trime kaseh kt en.Azhar n fmly c0z byk bg kami s0k0ngan sepanjang perjalanan kami setakat nie..
slaen 2, x lupe jugak pd phk2 yg yg turut same memberi s0k0ngan secara langsung mahup0n x langs0ng..
maaf c0z da lme x update bl0g nie..
s0, nk cte sket la pe yg da jd spnjg 2 mggu kte p0se nie..
bg wh0fast, saat manis mse bulan p0se ne, kami dijemput m'buat persembahan di teratak hijjaz pada jumaat, 4hb lepas..
gmbr di bwh nie adlh antre gmbr kenangan kami di sane..
di kesempatan nie jugak, kami ingin mengucapkan ribuan trime kaseh kt en.Azhar n fmly c0z byk bg kami s0k0ngan sepanjang perjalanan kami setakat nie..
slaen 2, x lupe jugak pd phk2 yg yg turut same memberi s0k0ngan secara langsung mahup0n x langs0ng..
Saturday, August 29, 2009
salam ramadhan untuk sumer..
alhamdullilah, hari ini dah smggu da kte berpuase di bln ramadhan nie..
sepanjang smggu nie jugak, WhoFast da selesai latihan b'sme en. azuar.. kami ingin mengucpkn ribuan time kaseh pd beliau c0z dgn rela rela hati ingin mgjr kami semua n tgktkn lg prestasi kami untuk jd lebih bek..
byk ilmu yg tlah kami dpt sepanjang pr0ses pembelajaran bersame beliau.. kami harap apa yg tlah kami pelajari akn dpt dipraktikkan hingga m'jdkn kump. kami lebih bek dr mase ke semase.. Amin.
alhamdullilah, hari ini dah smggu da kte berpuase di bln ramadhan nie..
sepanjang smggu nie jugak, WhoFast da selesai latihan b'sme en. azuar.. kami ingin mengucpkn ribuan time kaseh pd beliau c0z dgn rela rela hati ingin mgjr kami semua n tgktkn lg prestasi kami untuk jd lebih bek..
byk ilmu yg tlah kami dpt sepanjang pr0ses pembelajaran bersame beliau.. kami harap apa yg tlah kami pelajari akn dpt dipraktikkan hingga m'jdkn kump. kami lebih bek dr mase ke semase.. Amin.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
salam semua...ape kabar yer?? hari nie dh masuk hari keempat kite berpuasa ye.. harap-harapnye dapatlah kite semua puasa penuh bulan ramadhan nie kn..emm.. korang buka puasa mcm mne??mesti pergi bazar beli macam2 kan?? tengah lapar,sume benda nampak sedap..smpai makanan yg kite xpernah nmpk pn rse mcm sedap..tul x..hehe..erm..nak diingatkan..bulan puasa bukan bulan untuk makan habis-habisan tym berbuka...makan tu berhenti sebelum jangan pulak makan sebelum azan,haha...waktu nak beli makanan 2,janganla ikutkan nafsu lapar 2 sgt yer..nnt dh beli byk2,xhabis pulak..xpasal2 membazir...pastue lepas makan perut sengkak,dh xleh gi solat terawih pulakk...emm...ok lah,dah nak berbuka,whofast nak ucapkan pada korang sume..SELAMAT BERBUKA PUASA..!! 

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